Wednesday, August 3, 2011

4th of July

Went and watched the Hyrum fireworks at Parker & Andi's this year. So much fun! My favorite little munchkins kept me entertained! Kenners and "little lady" are too cute! Heather, can i give you a tattoo? Of course you can! YIKES! LOL


We went to Glendale 2 weeks in a row. Talk about a great time! We had so much fun! We ate good food, had a camp fire, went boating, floated the river, and laughed our butts off!
Andi went wake boarding for the first time! She did an awesome job!
If you ride Mikeys boat, you have to wear the beads!
Andi had to have her mellows!
Note to self: If you have a huge cut, don't float the river in Glendale! It will end up infected! Thanks Dr. Andi!
Colt always has something to say. Weather it makes sense or not. Jeff has to argue with him weather it's right or wrong. I'm pretty sure that is what's going on here!
Good ol' Ben Ben
Whit and Bennett like their grilled weeners! I just love this picture! It says a thousand words!
We wanted to float the river again! I can't wait to go again!

Memorial Day Weekend

I know Memorial Day Weekend was a while ago... but i'm posting them anyway! It was so fun!
This is Mira. Parker and Andi can't leave their baby at home! But i think Mira had a great time!
We always have a great time camping. Paulette is always dancing, Whitney is always making love to the camera, and i'm always... well... wearing Jeff's head lamp!
                                          Ms. Maddie is always a hoot! I love her to pieces!
                                 Misty, Maddie, Me, and Whit. A bunch of camping junkies!
That night, it decided to snow on us. It was the first camping weekend of the year, and we weren't going to let it ruin our time. We stayed up until we were soaked through all layers. The next morning when we woke up, there was toooooo much snow! So we packed up and went home a day early.
Which is why we ended up here... at the movies! Every single one of us! It turned out super fun! We went to the factory for pizza, then head to see the hangover 2! P.S., GREAT movie!